Monday, August 13, 2012

Sleeping Tigers

Dear Readers:

At this precise moment you do not actually exist.  And that is okay.  I am typing this letter with the hopes that long after I've posted, you will magically appear.  Hey, a girl can get lucky, can't she? 

This particular blog is the result of a late-night, can't-sleep-because-the-baby-keeps-waking-up-crying, brain dump.  As I was lying in bed, exhausted and unable to sleep for trepidation of the next screaming wake-up call from the room next door, I thought to myself, I should make a blog that I actually write in (I keep forgetting to write in the family blog).

You must know that I am not a writer.  I am what you would call a "wanna-be" writer, complete with lack of writing education, no publication, and very little experience outside of college research papers.  I am at home during the day with two little children, and my brain craves creative outlets for the frustrations that oftentimes develop after changing dirty diapers and cleaning up messes all day.  At first, I thought I'd write a book.  And I am!  Nothing fancy, mind you, just a fluffy, immature, young-adult fiction novel complete with a dashing prince and evil wizard.  You would probably enjoy it if you didn't plan to get anything out of it other than a fun read.  At least, you would if it were finished.  Which it's not. So, yeah... I came up with this new blog idea instead.

In this blog, I will write short stories in several pieces.  After each piece, you, the readers, will vote on what comes next.  It's kind of like those choose-your-own-adventure books that came out a couple decades ago.  You get to participate, and I get a creative outlet for my brain.  We all benefit!

Be forwarned, I do not guarentee good writing, nor do I guarentee a good story line.  The writing is my fault, the story line is yours.

Eeny Meeny

P.S. The first section of the pilot short story will come in the next couple of days.


  1. I have magically appeared - now, put out and come back !!

    1. I suppose since you have discovered my pathetic little blog, I will have to actually do something with it. Sigh. Okay, then. :)

  2. Finder two! I love it! My creative outlet was a list of 30 goals to accomplish before I turn 30. (Good luck!) One of them is to write a book for my kids (unpublished!). Good for you! I understand the need for creative outlet!
